Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moved to the TICU

We are out of the PICU (pediatric ICU) and into the TICU (technology ICU) which has been great!!! I can't tell you how impressed I am with the entire experience so far. If a hospital visit can be pleasant, this is by far the most pleasant visit ever! All of the nurses have been amazing and I seriously am just so floored how fabulous everyone has been. The TICU is typically for patients who have a trach or are on assisted breathing of some sort (usually long-term) but Skylar gets to come here because of her breathing machines - mainly the cough assist and the bi-pap.

Because it's more for long term patients, the rooms have bigger windows, the halls are more decorated, there are games and play toys like a jumperoo, bouncer seat, etc. and even though Skylar can't use those, it makes the atmosphere so much better. We have really enjoyed being here and getting taken care of by the nurses. I am partly enjoying this because I know Skylar is pretty much recovered and is doing well so I am not emotionally upset or distraught that I could lose her and the visit hasn't been depressing. A lot of the nurses have dealt with SMA babies here in the TICU and know some of the families I have mentioned previously in my blog.

So we're staying here tonight to get monitored and test her blood levels again. We met with a nutritionist today who has worked with SMA babies (she worked at the Children's hospital in Birmingham for two years before coming here) and has been a huge blessing - nutrition is one area where we were lacking guidance and trying to find someone to help us. Dr. Sedor, the pulmonologist, has visited us twice today and is making sure we get exactly what we need at home so that we hopefully don't end up back here if at all possible. We're going to see how Skylar does tonight on the bi-pap again and then we might go home tomorrow evening. We may need to stay one more night though to use the home equipment here in the hospital so that we know for sure it's set up right and we don't have problems with it.

I'll keep you posted. For now, Skylar is enjoying looking out her new big window at all the leaves blowing in the wind...

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