Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hoot Hoot!

I've been waiting to post something because I wanted my post to include an update on the shutterfly contest, but I don't know when they'll announce it. I actually contacted their customer support this past week to find out if they've released the winners, but they weren't very helpful so we'll just wait it out. Thank you again to all who voted! We'll keep you posted.

We got Skylar's big girl bed put together and spent a few days trying to figure out the best way to set up her equipment with the new arrangement. Skylar didn't like it at first, but luckily that only lasted a day or two. I ended up sleeping with her the first night because I think she was a little scared, but I hear that's pretty normal for kids moving from a crib to a bed. She quickly adjusted and I think she likes it a lot. Kyle and I are able to get in there and cuddle with her, which is one of the few times we really get to "hold" her since we can't pick her up much. I really enjoy the time together and am so glad we're able to snuggle. Once we get her bedding and some decorations up, I'll post a picture :)

So many of you outside of the SMA community don't know about the hooty hat. Well, let me tell you - they are seriously the cutest things ever!!! We ordered one for Skylar on black Friday in hopes of getting it by Christmas, but our order got lost and it took a while to get it but it finally arrived!!! Beb-e-ssentials is the company mastermind behind these adorable handmade hats (they have other super cute designs too like bears, plain hats, and more). What's even better is that you can custom order them - you pick the colors and the accessories and they're great for girls and boys! Here's a pic of Skylar in her new hooty hat :)

Kyle has been traveling a lot the past two weeks so we've just been holding down the fort. Nothing new to report really. We're still here and doing well. We've had a lot of wonderful visitors and Nurse Natalie is still awesome. Skylar has had a few belly issues that started yesterday (just lots of gas and bloating) but hopefully that will take care of itself because nothing has really changed in our routine... praying it gets back to normal and we don't go through the bowels backing up into her belly like the time before Christmas!

I want to take a minute to thank everyone who has brought us a meal since we've had Skylar. Our church set up meals for us almost a year ago to help support us and it has been one of the biggest ways people can help. Moms from our church, families, friends and random awesome people who don't know us have signed up to bring us dinner. It has been a huge blessing to not have to stress about making a meal, cooking and then cleaning, and then having that time to spend together as a family. We can't thank you enough! We've felt extremely loved and supported in this way. A shout out to Margo Yoder who has coordinated everything through - THANKS!!!

I feel like I need to write more since this is a rather short post from me, hahaha. I think that's all I have for now though. I've been extremely busy working on my websites and pictures and will give you an update on all of that soon.
