Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Skylar is getting some good rest right now... I am not too far behind :) Kyle stayed here for a few hours after lunch and let me go home to shower and take in some fresh air. He spoke with some of the doctors while I was gone and everyone seems to be pleased with her progress. We MIGHT be able to go home as early as tomorrow if she can tolerate her full feedings (we're still at 20 mL right now) but if not, then probably the next day. We still have to learn how to feed her through the g-tube with the pump (shouldn't be too different than what we were doing with the ng tube) so things are looking good. We'll try her first full feed in the morning and see how she does.

When I got back to the hospital after going home, and grabbed her little hand, I was greeted by the first smile of our hospital stay... It was comforting to see her give a few smiles throughout the evening, because when we came at the beginning of the month for her ng tube, she didn't smile at all the entire time! I almost got a little giggle out of her today, but not quite. She hasn't had too much pain medicine today and is such a trooper! She's adjusting to the c-pap at night and doing really well. I'll update you with our schedule tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Rest well. We're so thankful for the updates so we can support and pray for you from where we are at.
    Much love,
