Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Already?

Wow. I am kind of embarrassed that I haven't posted in three months! Sorry about that for those of you who check the blog every now and then for new posts. Let me fill you in on our life the past three months and I think you'll understand... 

The holidays provided some great time with family, but Since Skylar's been gone, they're always slightly depressing because I miss her and wish she was here to join us. I can't believe she would be 3 years old! I would have a little lady to play with! 

Since her passing, it's been tough to stay focused and have the motivation to do things - despite my endeavors to start two companies... I've been able to manage and have enjoyed it, but there were definitely times where I would ask myself, "What was I thinking?!" and would struggle to get out of bed. This January was the first time that I felt like I had most of my energy back. I would say I am 90-95% back to fully functioning Ashley. Thankfully, I'll never be back to my "old-self" again as Skylar has completely changed my perspective and heart forever.

At the end of the year, Kyle quit his job with CNA Insurance, for no other reason than it just wasn't something he loved to do and he was looking for a change after 5+ years of working there. They were a great company to work for and were so supportive through our journey with Skylar. We have nothing but great things to say about them and hope to keep in touch as we move in a different direction. 

As far as my business is concerned, I've been running around like crazy (in a good way)! At the end of February, I participated in my first bridal show. The month of January and most of February was spent preparing and getting everything ready for the 10x10 booth display. Ordering prints, designing layouts and displays, having Kyle make some tables for me :) I was able to use everything again for the second show in March. I had some amazing friends and assistants helping me manage the crowds and it was a great experience. I booked several weddings and am excited about the shoots this year! In addition to all of that, I've had portrait sessions and events that you can see on the Shutter Sweet blog if you're interested. 

When Kyle quit his job, he lost the company car so we've been sharing a car since January. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It's definitely teaching us better communication and patience! Someone did back into my bumper last month leaving it not drive-able, and we were completely without a vehicle for a week which was a little crazy, but we managed. 

House Updates: I wish I had more for you. We've finished the interior layout and are waiting on the roof drawings and framing plan to be finished before we're able to apply for permits. Hopefully this will be wrapped up in the next two weeks. The house is completely gutted and there's just a few rooms of sub-flooring left to pull up. We're really excited to share the renovation with you through pictures once it starts. 

That's pretty much the shortest summary you'll get on this blog I think :) The next blog post will hopefully have pictures of our renovation in progress! Thanks for reading. Peace.

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