Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

To all the many dads out there - Happy Father's Day!!!

My post about Father's Day is probably going to be similar to my Mother's Day post, but different :)

You see, in the same way that I'll never forget the day Skylar was born, I'll never forget Kyle becoming a father. Kyle is not usually super emotional, but as soon as they announced Skylar was a girl (we had waited to find out the sex of our baby), he started crying. So much so, that I looked at him wondering where the heck my husband was... Me on the other hand, the extremely emotional one, laid there without a tear (probably in shock and exhausted from giving birth naturally, but still). Kyle's love and the joy on his face from snuggling our brand new baby girl is something I'll never forget.

I'll also never forget the day Skylar left us. There were also many tears and sobbing, but not out of joy this time. Kyle and I clung to each other as our little girl was taken from us. How could this be happening? Kyle was an amazing father to Skylar through the end and then some. The way he carefully crafted her box for burial was so incredible to witness - despite his heavy grief and sorrow. He helped lead our family and provide for us and I'm so grateful for that. I am very thankful that Kyle is my husband and the father of our child.

It was fun to watch him play with her, "bounce" her (the equivalent of throwing a kid up in the air and catching them - but SMA kids are really fragile so you can't throw them), build her a swing that she loved, snuggle and watch movies together and so much more! Happy Father's Day Kyle - you're the best! I love you and I look forward to the day when we're both physically parents again when we can have another family together... I guess we should build our house first, lol.

So recently, we went to visit the Gooden family to hang out and see Nora again. It was really great to see Nora doing so well! She's already 3.5 years old and growing up so fast! We had fun watching movies, playing games and swimming in the pool. We also had a secret photo shoot!!! If you want to see a special Father's Day post of pictures that I took with Nora for her daddy, check out Shutter Sweet Photography's blog for a surprise post :) I love surprises! Happy Father's Day TJ!

A random update for an SMA Fundraising Event: June 24th we will be having a "Paint Away SMA" event at the Sips N Strokes in Sandy Springs, GA. I will speak briefly at the beginning and then we'll have a fun evening of painting and BYOB (bring your own beverage - not just beer). You can sign up online at and go to the calendar for the Sandy Springs location if you're interested in joining me. Sign up asap because space is limited!

That's all the news I have for now :) I know, you can pick your jaw up from the floor. This was a short one! Stay tuned for updates and pictures from the fundraising event! 

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