Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An Update Throuh Pictures

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been updating last month, but "A LOT has happened in one month" just doesn't even begin to describe our lives right now... I don't have time to start now and I know some of you are anxious for updates so here's the best I can do for now: an update through pictures...

I'll be posting a long explanation soon of everything going on once I have the time and all my thoughts together. Enjoy!

Here is Skylar and her daddy all bundled up for the random snow/ice weekend in Atlanta...

Here is Skylar when she was officially 2 months old :) She definitely is the daughter of two string beans!

Here is our family trip to the beach in Florida the weekend of January 22nd... it's a little windy and Skylar is not a fan of the cold (just like her mom). So much for getting some color, lol.

She's not too sure about the wind yet...

That's it for now - I'll be posting more soon :)


  1. She is so freaking adorable!

  2. String beans! HA that is hilarious.

  3. I LOVE the picture of Skylar and Kyle :)

  4. Hi Ashley and Kyle, was just thinking about you guys today and was happy to see the photos! Keep em coming!

  5. Awww Ashley.... she is just adorable!! I am so sorry that I haven't come up to visit, but I will soon!!

    I am so glad I stumbled across your blog-- I tried to keep one, but I am just too busy to update it!! ;-)

    I miss you.... and am always thinking and praying for you all!!

    LOVE YOU HONEY--- Missy
