Thursday, September 3, 2009

Baby Jones - 10 weeks to go!

Wow! I can't believe I only have ten weeks left... It feels like just yesterday I was freaking out about being pregnant! It's amazing how fast time flies - I am sure it goes faster once you have kids.

Well, I don't have any new decent ultrasound pictures, but I do have an updated picture of me and my growing belly!!! I seriously am amazed how skin stretches and grows in such a short time. I don't know how much more mine can stretch, but I am sure I will continue to be amazed. Below is a picture of me standing belly to belly with a friend of mine who is 6 weeks behind me, but I cropped it in case she doesn't want to be on my blog :)

Everything is going really well since my last post. We had our first shower on Aug. 22 and were so blessed by everyone!!! Kyle and I are getting out of our current nightmare of an apartment and renting a house in midtown this month, which means I get to set up a nursery soon! I am very excited to have a home and start nesting :)

I have been feeling great - every now and then I will get a back ache or my ribs will be sore or my feet will be swollen, but I feel like I've been pretty lucky so far. I just have to make sure I don't allow myself to eat a full-size meal now since there is no room and it wants to come back up if I stuff myself. The baby is definitely taking up my whole belly now and I can feel little jabs in my lower abdomen and little kicks on my right side under my ribs... if I do something to cause the baby to get startled, it will rotate out of my pelvis and push its back against the front of me so its head and butt are sticking straight out of my belly! I think the baby is around 3 lbs now... It's pretty amazing to feel everything and learn the baby's habits and patterns. Hopefully I will get another ultrasound picture soon!!! Let me know if there is anything else you want to know that I left out... Thanks for reading!


  1. Is that a baby...or a basket ball !?! Wow

  2. Its been ages! I stumbled upon your blog back in June and saw the big news. It looks like you're doing well and growing :) Congratulations.
