Monday, October 5, 2009

40 Days And Counting!!!

I thought I would post another update since a lot has happened in the past 4 weeks!

First, Kyle and I have moved into our new home in midtown and we absolutely love it! Not just because it's a million times better than our apartment, but because it's a cute little bungalow in a great little neighborhood and the perfect amount of space for us right now with baby Jones coming soon. There are several families from our church who live within a few blocks from us and we look forward to meeting our neighbors (besides our landlord who lives next door). I think my favorite thing about our new home is the front porch and swinging bench - especially with the awesome fall weather we've been having.

My mom and I, being the germ freaks that we are, were able to get a lot of cleaning done the week before we moved... Thanks mom! I also want to thank all of the friends and family that helped us paint our walls and move our furniture as well - what a huge help and a blessing to be able to get so much done in one weekend!!! The nursery is completely painted and as soon as we get the furniture set up and things put away, I'll add some pictures of the baby room and my growing belly...

I have had two baby showers with just the girls since my last post - one with friends from church and one with a few long time friends from the past. Both were so much fun! The festivities included decorating white onesies with fabric markers, guessing the size of my belly, smelling jars of baby food and trying to guess the fruits and veggies that were mushed inside (without gagging), playing baby gift bingo, and of course, good food and great conversation... I have felt so blessed by friends and family during this time and am so grateful.

Last weekend, Kyle and I attended a breast feeding class as well as a child birthing session and both were extremely helpful! We both learned a lot and I definitely feel more prepared for what is to come (I am pretty sure Kyle does as well) even though I wouldn't say we're ready just yet. Baby Jones is getting ready though because my belly is super tight and that little booger is moving around like crazy!

Today I had a visit with the OBGYN to get another ultrasound because I have been consistently measuring small for my due date and they wanted to check the weight of the baby. Who knew that they could do that! It was fun to get to see the little one again :) While the technician was moving the wand around on my belly, the baby decided that it did not want to be disturbed and I swear it tried to kick the wand across the room! The technician pulled back startled and said, "I have been doing this for 15 years and that was intense!" I just laughed because I have been experiencing movement like that for weeks now and was comforted that she thought the movements were extreme... At one of the showers the baby decided to show off and everyone could see it from across the room! I think it's going to be a soccer player or a cyclist because the hands don't move all that much - it's all legs and feet! It doesn't help that the placenta is on the backside of the uterus because there is no padding between the baby's movements and the front of my belly...

Anyway, the baby is about 5lbs which is pretty much on track - a little small - but I am okay with that! Below is a close up of the face (sorry no body shots because we still want to be surprised if it's a boy or a girl) so that's all we got. The first one is a side profile image of the head and you can see a little fist that is labeled, while the second one is a picture straight on looking at the face... a little hard to distinguish, but I thought I would put them online anyway :)
I can't tell if our baby has a Jones nose or a Stumpff nose... lol.


  1. I wonder what it is!! Can't wait to find out :)

  2. So exciting! Glad you are doing well and everything is coming along!
